This score for this individual corresponds to the average scale of the five domains of the NEO PI-R. ascores represent what most females’ personality is like except for a few of the facets where the results were skewed towards the upper scales of the test.
From the data shown, this individual had an above average score for Neuroticism. This suggests that the individual gets anxious easily and has a tendency towards depression. Although the individual demonstrates low levels of impulsiveness, she scored above average on vulnerability. This indicates that she might have trouble coping with stress.
The higher scores for gregariousness and activity indicate that this individual enjoys being in a crowd of people or parties and prefers energetic activities. On the total score for Extraversion, this person recorded an above-borderline low score on the scale. For experiencing positive emotions such as feeling good about the subject, she scores an average as well.
This person recorded a high score on Openness. According to the results obtained, she has a great mind of imaginations that creates a different world for her to escape into at times. However, her scores do not lean towards the artistic side of things. Her score for feelings is reasonably high and this indicates that she often portrays her emotions outwardly, and is easily recognised. Although she is least likely to be involved in discussions or arguments, she still cares about the principles of life, religious matters and the society in general.
This individual believes in saying what is on her mind. She seems to score on the borderline between the average and high scores for being empathetic about others. Her compliance level in personal communication with others seems to be above average. This means she is able to control her tempers and avoid arguments. She definitely cares for the well-being of others compared to how others would by scoring high for tender-mindedness.
According to the total score for Conscientiousness facet, she is at the higher end. Her high competence level regards her as a person who is reliable and confident in both her work and personal life. She is good at keeping things well organised as she scored highly on the order facet while her dutifulness scores suggests that she is one who follows the rules set by authorities. She also places high expectations on herself is on as she works hard and finds all means to be at the top of the crop. According to the final facet of deliberation, the high score suggests that she is a well prepared person and pays close attention to details before taking any actions..
An interpretation of the individual’s scores on the test
This individual is prone to anxiousness and depression. She struggles to cope with stress, is very dependent, and has low self-esteem and suffers from panic attacks when faced with emergencies. According to the results, she has a high tendency towards depression and is almost incapable to cope with stressful circumstances.
This individual prefers being in the company of others rather than being alone. She keeps herself busy and prefers a high-paced lifestyle.
This person has vivid imaginations, fantasizes and daydreams to make her inner world more interesting. She experiences a deeper and more intense level of happiness and unhappiness compared to others. Furthermore, this individual has highly receptive to values to politics, religious and social norms, tends to accept authority, honour traditions, and is generally more conservative regardless of her political party affiliation.
This individual was rated to be frank, sincere and ingenuous. She leans towards the side of a more compliant person and is able to hold back aggression and forgive and forget. She scores high on the tender-mindedness side of attitudes. She sympathises and cares for others, and emphasizes the human side of social policies. This person would consider herself as a realist who makes rational decisions based on cold logic.
Overall, this person has a high conscientiousness level. She is capable, sensible, prudent, and effective. Her scores show that she is well prepared to deal with life’s challenges. She is also neat and well organised as her high score in order suggests. This person has high aspiration and strives to achieve her goals. She is diligent and purposeful in life. This individual might have the tendency to focus too much at their careers and risks becoming a workaholic. Finally, her score in deliberation suggests that she has tends to think carefully before acting. She is known to be cautious and deliberate.
Is the person an adequate candidate for the police force
In my opinion, this individual is an adequate candidate for the police force. This opinion is derived from the individual meeting the personalities requirements based on the roles and function of the police force. The police force requires its members to be able to relate and communicate with people. Her high interpersonal skills allow her to deal with diverse range of people, as faced by the police force everyday. This includes the public ranging from individuals, families, criminals, victims, etc. and the workplace with other colleagues.
Another reason for my recommendation of this individual to the police force is that she is a person who would gain job satisfaction from being in this job. It is a requirement that the members of the community police exercise an active lifestyle. This individual enjoys high loads of activities in everyday life. The police force would benefit in a long term through employee’s job satisfaction, as it would lead to a better performance from its staff.
This individual cares a lot about others and is genuinely concern about the social and political issues in her society. Such qualities would boost her work performance and eagerness in assisting in community policing. She would be a good subordinate as her personality indicates that she is highly competent and submit to authorities or person of a higher status. This is a crucial attitude to adapt in a disciplined organisation such as the police force.
Despite her interest in high activities and the need for adrenaline rush, the tests suggest that this individual suffers from high stress levels and anxiety attacks. Thus, I would suggest that she be put into a stress management course to help her curb the high stress levels and anxiety attacks. Nevertheless, results from personality tests should never be dealt in absolute, as there are different situations that augment the salience of each trait in combination.
Costa, Paul T. & McCrae, Robert R. (1992) Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO (PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), Florida, Psychological Assessment Resources,Inc.
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